
Aye, fluffybacon

Why bother?

You're still here?

Lets be honest, you've already spent too long looking at this page. Isn't it time you moved along? I mean, the site looks professional (mostly because I stole it from here), but there's not really much in the way of content.

Besiides, you're already bored of reading this and you've better things to be doing with your time. Who wants to spend their time reading walls of text generated by random monkies on the internet who have more free time than you (I did build this after all). I mean, I couldn't even be bothered to change the stock ipad photo.


When you used to be cool and interesting and funny? Well you're not going to fix that by hanging around here.


Go visit one. Go visit them all, I don't care. It's your life, you want to waste it hanging around the dull uninteresting parts of the internet, then fine. Do that.

That's it

There's nothing else here, not even the three minutes of your life you'll never get back.


I bought this domain because people can't remember fluffybacon.co.uk

Is that site better?

No, I use it for my email

Why have that one then?

Honestly, I don't know. I bought it before gmail was a thing and I can't bear to let it go.